Mar 16 2007

Bind-It-All Dork Moment

Published by at 6:00 am under Uncategorized

Bind It all

Imagine my excitement.  We finally got enough Bind-It-Alls in stock that I could actually get one!  Since I got it, I have had ideas floating around in my head.  I was so excited last night to actually get started on my project.  I pull out the Bind-It-All…. super duper giddy.  I get my chipboard coasters ready, paper picked out….. wait…. there’s something missing…. DUH!!!!!  I don’t have any owire rings!  How am I gonna make a book with no binding?  Now, I must wait until I see Daisy again!  ARGH!

7 responses so far

7 Responses to “Bind-It-All Dork Moment”

  1. jami says:

    Bwahahahahahahaha!!!! Sorry – I know that must have been super frustrating!

  2. That’s too bad! What a cool contraption! Love your new blog look! Can’t wait to see what you create when you get your binding!

  3. jbalcer says:

    i love that you’re a dork, too! 🙂 Can’t wait to wee what you make, Joy!

  4. Lucky girl!! Can’t wait to see what you do with your rings!! HURRY… go and see Daisy! 🙂

    Miss ya Mounds!
    All my love,

  5. beate says:

    That’s too funny. That could have been a Beate moment for sure. I can’t wait to see what you make with it. You make the cutest rubicoil things!! Hugs

  6. Val says:

    A gorgeous dork btw!

  7. \')/* says:



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