Apr 20 2007

Thank you

Published by at 5:14 am under Life

As many of you know, my DH, Kurt, has been in the hospital for the past few days.  He was in a lot of pain this weekend and we found out that he had a lot of gallstones in his gall bladder.

Yesterday, at 7:30 am, he went in to have it removed.  When I left him last night, he was still in a lot of pain, but at least it was not as bad as this past weekend.

Thank you my friends and family who sent up a prayer yesterday for him.  It was very comforting to me.  I am hoping that he can get discharged today and that his pain will soon go away.

Thanks again!

2 responses so far

2 Responses to “Thank you”

  1. beate says:

    Oh no!!! I am so sorry, girlfriend. I am glad he is feeling at least a little better. HUGS!!!

  2. Anne says:

    I’m so sorry to hear about Kurt….I do wish him a quick recovery. Please know the worst of it is over. He is now on the road to recovery.
    If you need anything please don’t hesitate to call.
    All the Best,

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