Jul 17 2007

Wonderful Weekend

Published by at 6:51 am under Uncategorized

What a great weekend. Totally flew by, but fun non-the-less. Saturday, we got up at the crack of dawn to have a rubber garage sale at Jami’s house. Sales were ok, but the company was the best part! 🙂 Who wouldn’t enjoy a day with Jami, Taylor, Daisy, Emily, Jen and Leann?! 🙂 We ended the day with a yummy lunch that consisted of BBQ Beef sandwiches, potato salad, baked beans and french fries! Yum yum! I was so out of it that I didn’t take any pix! 🙁 I did bring my camera, though. A lot of good that did me, huh?

Sunday was spent getting things ready for our trip to CHA this weekend.

Monday was BLAST! Linda Duke, one of our first eP friends, was “in town”. So, Daisy, Val, and I met up with her for lunch. It’s funny how you may have never met in person, but can manage talking about anything and everything for hours without a pause. Linda is just one of the sweetest people. She’s beautiful and just so classy. Below is a picture of us.

Here is a pic of two ever so talented ladies. (Val and Linda)

And here is eP with their eP Friend.

What a great weekend spent with some of my favorite stamping friends! 🙂 Can’t wait to meet more new/old friends in just a few days at CHA!

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Wonderful Weekend”

  1. Tandra Boyer says:

    Great pics!! Y’all look so gorgeous!! Fun!

  2. Val says:

    HEY! It was a fun lunch!!

  3. Ooooh!!! Howdy Joy, Daisy, and the talented Linda Duke!! ***waving from Texas***

  4. You are all so HOT!!! I wish I was in the OC so that I can be with the cool girls!!

    Love ya Mounds… by the way, you ROCK!!! Check my blog! 🙂

  5. SDiegoGal says:

    What fun! You all look great! 🙂

    BTW, you’ve been tagged. Check out my blog to see… (Cheesy I know, but whatcha gonna do? lol)

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