Oct 03 2007


Published by at 7:08 pm under Projects

Mirror Mirror jpg

When we saw the Inky Antics Ronnie Walter Stamps at CHA, I knew we had to get them. The phrases are just too funny and these ladies are “real” sized. That makes them even more fun to color. We’re going to be adding more and more of these girls and phrases to the store! 🙂 It’s tough being at CHA…. you want to buy it all, but the budget just doesn’t let ‘cha.

This particular one really hit home. I knew as a kid, you never wanted to “sound” like your mother. Now, there are too many times where I repeat those words that I dreaded as a kid.

But, to be honest, if someone said that I was JUST LIKE my mother, I would be so honored. My mother is one of my “bestest” friends in the world…. so kind…. so generous. If any of you have met my mother, she is what I strive to become. I can’t believe I’m getting teary eyed over a blog post….. but, I guess its cause its my mom. She means so much to me.

I wish the scanner could have picked up the sakura stardust pen on the mirror to give it that extra shine….. I also used my Copic Markers to color her. I tried to use a slightly lighter color in the mirror’s reflection. (hard to tell from the scan) And the patterned paper is from My Mind’s Eye Confetti Collection.

I guess I better get goin’…… Thanks for looking.

4 responses so far

4 Responses to “Mirror”

  1. Donna says:

    what a great card! I know what you mean about that phrase, and I resemble it. My mom was a wonderful, strong person but growing up I was so tired of hearing how much I looked like her. But the neatest thing is that my dad (who I adored) would call me Little Jo (my mom’s name was Josephine) and since I don’t have them with me anymore,(dad died 2 months shy of their 25th anniversary when I was 9 and mom when I was 25) I cherish those words. TFS

  2. Fabulous card, I love it!

  3. Rose Ann says:

    That image is so cute and fun! I love the colors and layout you used! Adorable!

  4. Marilynn says:

    Gotta love this stamp and what you did with it. I recently looked in the mirror but said, “oh my gosh, I have become my brother!” I think the only thing good about that is he is three years younger.

    Aka APandi on SCS

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