Feb 01 2008

New Cuttlebug folders…..

Published by at 1:59 pm under Uncategorized


ARE COMING!!!!!! I am so excited. You can see all of the new folders here. When I did my normal routine first thing in the morning of checking our account, I saw that Provo had charged our account…. I rubbed my eyes and thought “Is this really true? Do I really see this?” Right away, I e-mailed our rep to find out and as she that it was true. My smile was ear to ear. I may have done a little dance.

I can’t wait to get these babies in my hand. Next week can’t come fast enough. Be sure to sign up for our newsletter, as we will announce when these will be available for ordering. I’m not sure which one my favorite is…. which one is yours?

13 responses so far

13 Responses to “New Cuttlebug folders…..”

  1. Donna Baker says:

    awesome! I like Paisley, Swiss Dots, Floral Fantasy…oh wait was I only supposed to name one!? HA

  2. Linda SS says:

    Oh yippie…that means mine will be here soon too:) I think I ordered all the new ones and my favorites were the one with the bird and the one with music notes.

  3. Teresa-Happystampingal says:

    I want them all! I am so glad they are finally here. Can’t wait to actually get them. They are going to give us some very unique cards, etc!

  4. Nancy says:

    Thank you for the email — I just ordered mine!! Looking forward to Cuttlebugging 🙂

  5. Jen says:

    I want them all!!!

  6. mary says:

    Please sign my up, I want all the new cuttlebut folders. Love them all.

  7. Hi Joy,
    I love your blog and the store too! Thanks for posting your cool new stuff and enabling us!

    I just received a package from EP & you wrote me a note about vacationing in Parker and stamping while the boys are in the river. Hey! I’d love to meet you when you’re here again! I’m curious about how long you’ve been coming to “the river” and where you stay and all that. I worked at the Safeway in town for 18 yrs. so we’ve probably met if your family has come here a long time.

    I know you’re away at CHA right now, i hope you’re having a great time. E mail me if you’d like to.


  8. Debbie says:

    OMG I just got this but havent used it yet!! its awesome!! I love your site too
    May I add your blog to mine?

  9. Welcome home, Joy!!!!
    Can you pretty please tell me WHY I did not order every stinkin’ one of these???? Has my brain shriveled??? Accccck!!! I can hardly wait to see my eP order this week! I’m tooo excited! gosh … I just love ya to pieces, Joy!


  10. Alina says:

    Hello Joy

    I love everything you have here. I just placed an order I cant wait to get it. Now, with so many new things I can wait to order everything in here.
    to all scrapbookers in here hope and wish everyone is doing great.

    Love ya

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