May 29 2008

I’m a lucky Gal

Published by at 7:03 am under Life

I can’t believe how much this stamping world has touched my life. I am so lucky to have met so many amazing people that I can truly call friends. Life has been so crazy busy lately. I have not even had time to have “me time”. It was the first time in a long time that I felt “special”. This was an amazing birthday. I have never received so many e-mails and messages. I received so many amazing cards. WOW! I am a lucky gal!

It’s not about the “gifts” I received, but the friendships behind it. Stamping has really brought special people to my life. Reading Taylor‘s Blog yesterday brought tears to my eyes. I am the lucky one to have her as a friend. Then, I went to visit Jami‘s Blog and see this beautiful card and sweet blog post. THEN, I come home, and I see these beautiful flowers. Thank you Jenn and Beate! You have no idea how much this put a smile on my face and tears in my eyes. These flowers meant so much to me! WOW!

Jenn and Beate Flowers

And look at this cute SMALL portion of what my dear friend Lana sent me! She always knows how to put a smile on my face! (pssst….. check out her blog. It’s amazing AND she’s giving away blog candy) Lana knows exactly what I like and always puts together the most amazing packages. She also has one of the biggest hearts. She can definitely crack me up! I am so lucky to have her as a friend.


Lana Gift

Again, I am a lucky gal! Stamping has brought these wonderful people in my life….. and I am grateful that it has brought YOU into my life, too!!!!!!

It will be a while before my smile is wiped off my face!!!!!! THANK YOU!

9 responses so far

9 Responses to “I’m a lucky Gal”

  1. Sharon in NE says:

    How wonderful these are! You are a very special person, as your friends say a lot about the type of person you are. I’m glad you had a happy birthday. It was deserving.

  2. Jenn says:

    Oh, they’re so bright & happy, just like *you*, Joy! We might not say it enough, but you are loved, girl. Really, really loved. šŸ™‚

  3. beate says:

    I am glad you liked the flowers. Jenn knows how to pick them! They are so happy and fun! Love ya!!!
    Big cyber hug!

  4. Lana Lepinski says:

    Awe Joy. . . You have got to be the sweetest person I have ever met in my entire life. I truly mean that! I LOVE YOU BIRTHDAY GIRL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  5. Taylor says:

    Big hugs, Joy! I meant every word I said and I can’t wait to catch up over lunch this weekend!

  6. Bonnie aka raduse says:

    Happy Birthday Joy!!

  7. Michele says:

    Happy Belated birthday! Sounds like you had a great one!

  8. Stevie says:

    Happy, Happy Belated Birthday Sweetie. I sure hope your still celebrating !! You deserve a year of fun and presents!

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