Nov 12 2008

Lola Love

Published by at 7:34 am under Uncategorized

 Lola Love



I would like to introduce you to sweet “Lola Love”.  She is just the cutest and so fun to color! 🙂  Here is the entire set:

Lola Love Set

The possibilities with her are endless.   This cute set is from a new company called Our Craft Lounge.  They are releasing 14 new sets this Friday, the 14th.  eP will have these cute stamps in the store! 🙂

To check out more cute samples, be sure to check out these blogs:

Cambria Turnbow

Bev Barton

Carol Halverson

Heather McNally

Kendra Wietstock

Kisa Peters

Lila Holgate

Lisa Zappa

Pam Hooten

15 responses so far

15 Responses to “Lola Love”

  1. this is soooo freakin’ adorable Joy – I love here, and the pink just makes me smile!! what a fabulous stamp set!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  2. Joy… this is SO cute! I love your style baby!! I LOVE LOLA LOVE!! 🙂 I’m SO going to be lounging over at The Lounge!! 🙂

  3. marianne says:

    oooh, Joy, I love the little pearls. Too cute 🙂

  4. Donna B says:

    woohoo! congratulations, how EXCITING! I adore Lola (I have been telling my DH I like that name for a little girl if/when we have one, he said NO) so now I can get the set & it will satisfy my want for a little girl named Lola! HA HA – I love Lola’s pearl earrings & belt. Too cute of a card!

  5. Very cute Joy! You can do a lot with this set! It’s great for Valentines Day. Thanks for sharing!!

    Have a great day!

  6. Heather McNally says:

    FUN-tastic! This is ADORABLE! HUGS!

  7. Anonymous says:

    Love what YOU did!!! Awesome!! XOXO

  8. otter says:

    OH!! I can’t wait to get her!!!

  9. Debbie Fisher says:

    Joy, this is adorable!

  10. Kisa says:

    She is darling!

  11. Lola Love is just so sweet!

  12. Lisa Zappa says:


  13. MichelleY says:

    What a SWEET card! I just LOVE the bubble font! Dang….I may need to order the girls too!

  14. Bethie says:

    LOVE HER!!!! So sweet Joy!

  15. wow joy! congratulations on your new endeavor. these images are adorable!

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