Mar 22 2009


Published by at 10:51 pm under Life

My dear friend Jami tagged me!  I was told to go to my digital photo files and pick out the 6th photo in the 6th folder.  This “task” would definitely vary as to which computer I am on….. I am currently on my MAC and my 6th Folder is named “2006 – MKE”.  How appropriate for this blogpost since it was with fellow SCSers.  This was the 6th picture: Pine holding Sophia (Bethie’s baby who was passed around like a sweet doll).  Hi Lana and Robin!


This trip was one of the best trips ever!!!!!  I was fortunate enough to travel to Milwaukee for the Stampin’ Up Regionals, even though a few of us never actually made it to the regionals.  Travel was insane, since there were so many storms throughout the country.  And don’t ask 2 California girls to travel to -14 degree weather.  LOL!  But, it was a ll worth it!  I would not change this experience for anything!

Here are some fun pix from the trip:

 Look how much Prinny got to eat.  Bet that Chicken Marsala was good! 🙂


Bethie and Otter


LZ and Hooty


Back Row: MY, Hooty, Lana, Maria, Prinny, Robin, QC, Pam Becker 3rd Row: Tex , HB, Otter, Sue, LZ, Baby Sophia, Joyce 2nd Row: Kendra, Cheryl, Jenn, Me Front Row: Pine, Bethie, Suze


The 6 I choose to tag are:



Heather McNally

Kendra Wietstock

Kisa Peters


 Here’s the deal ladies:

•Open your photo folder on your computer
•Open the 6th folder of photos
•Select the 6th picture
•Post the picture on your blog with a description
•Invite six friends to join the challenge
•Link your six friends to your blog post

5 responses so far

5 Responses to “Tagged….”

  1. Jenn says:

    That was one of the best trips EVER, most definitely. Buca was fabulous (remember that table with the Pope’s head. . UNDER GLASS??? and that Chocolate cake!?) but just hanging out in the hotel lobby (snort) was the highlight. What an amazing time! thanks for the trip down memory lane!

  2. Jenn says:

    and the pickles at pot belly!!!

  3. Otter says:

    Dang it’s obvious I was still nursing a baby!!! LOL! Great memories Joyful!!

  4. Debbie says:

    Cute pics Joy!!!

  5. Kisa says:

    Hey! I’m such a dork! I completely forgot you tagged me! I FINALLY played along! Hope you are well! Miss ya!!

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