Apr 28 2009

Bookworm – Sneak Peek

Published by at 6:27 am under Uncategorized




So, after gushing about Debbie yesterday and saying how cute her sets are, I thought I would share a Sneak Peek of one of her new sets that will be released this Friday.  This is her set called “Bookworm”.  The entire set is just so adorable.

If you look REALLY close, there is some Sparkly Fluff  on the worm’s body and hat.  I just loooooooooooove sparkly fluff!  I use it on almost everything now! 🙂  The worm also have Glossy Accents on its eyes.  And don’t you just love this paper from MME?  I just love the texture to it.

 Be sure to check out more sneak peeks at the following blogs:



Thanks for stopping by! 🙂


14 responses so far

14 Responses to “Bookworm – Sneak Peek”

  1. I love it when you stamp Mounds! This is SUPER cute!

    Love ya sweet friend,
    Cami Jo(y)

  2. loricraig says:

    darling… loving the sneaks of these new sets. way to go, joy and company!!!!

  3. Debbie says:

    Joy this is so stinkin CUUUUUUUTE!!!! I LOVE seeing you STAMP! LOVE LOVE LOVE the sparkly fluff! YOU ROCK!

  4. pam hooten says:

    LOVE, LOVE, LOVE this Joy!
    I love when you stamp, you need to relax and do it more often, sweetness! Ü

  5. This is sooooo cute Joy!! I am so excited about your new releases – I think I have to have them all, lol! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

  6. Valerie says:

    Love this set! CUTE card, babe!

  7. Adorable Joy! Looks like a really fun stamp set.

  8. Heather McNally says:


  9. CUTE!!!! love this new set!!! your sample….. SuperCUTE!!!!

  10. MaGoo says:

    GREAT card!! Love how you made the T’s!! CUTE – CUTE – CUTE!!

  11. Just adorable, Joy! LOVE that fancy border at the bottom! Congrats on an awesome new release, my friend! 🙂

  12. Lucia says:

    What a great card.

  13. Kar says:

    So cute Joy!

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