Jun 24 2009

I survived another Rafting Trip

Published by at 8:45 am under Life

Every year, I get soooooooooo nervous before the trip…. and actually DURING the trip.  But, after it is all said and done, I can’t stop thinking about how much fun it was!!!!! 🙂 King’s River Expedition puts on an amazing program.  The staff/guides are absolutely amazing.

The water was crazier than I have experienced.  And because it was the first hot day on Friday, it melted a lot of snow and the 2nd day was even CRAZIER.  Here are some pix from the first day.

Group Shot:

Front Row: Nephew Anthoni, Me, Brother-in-law Damon

Back Row: Dawn (she popped out of the raft at one point going down the rapids), Brother Jay, Guide Jason (he was a rookie), Kurt


Here are some pix from the rest of the day.  You can click on the images for larger view! 🙂

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Can’t wait for next time…….

8 responses so far

8 Responses to “I survived another Rafting Trip”

  1. pam hooten says:

    OMG Joy! I can’t even see you in most of the pic’s, you poor thing……..you must have been under water a lot of the time, yikes! I don’t think you need to go anymore, I worry about you, LOL!

  2. Debbie says:

    OMG girl! I’m not sure what blows me away more…the AWESOME photos (who the heck was taking pictures??), the MASSIVE rocky waters (I would’ve been having a panic attack!) OR the fact that you look like a ROCKSTAR through the whole thing! Seriously! You’re GORGEOUS girl! Geesh! I wouldn’t look that cool, calm and collected going down the lazy river at 6 flags! LOL!

  3. MichelleY says:

    YIKES! You don’t want to hear about my last rafting trip…..all I will say is there won’t be another one! LOL! It looks like you all had a blast, though. What a perfect way to beat the heat!

  4. Oh my, you are brave! It looks refreshing . . . that’s for sure. I’m glad you had a good time. What an adventure!!!

    Enjoy your day!

  5. Heather McNally says:

    AWESOME pics, Joy! OMG – you must have had a BLAST!

  6. Elena says:

    Wow! That was a real adventure! So glad that you had fun time, Joy!

  7. Wow!!! I am so jealous!!! I really love water rafting and seems that you really enjoyed it. That’s great!!!

  8. I must admit, I was so envy with the adventure trip you had. Who wouldn’t want to try rafting at a river with huge water?! You guys are so lucky to be in that place.

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